
Dena the Bodybuilder

Got a chance to sketch a bodybuilder recently. This made for an interesting break from our typical figure models.

She did not have augmented breasts, rather a rarity in the field of women's bodybuilding. She was also a Florida native and from my neck of the woods so it was fun to geek out about Tampa/ St. Pete culture that my St. Louis friends simply can not relate to.

I pretty much took a stab with all of the pens in my arsenal; switching up tips and pens for different effects.

Several members of the group are using the same Staedtler colored pens I am to different results. I may have to start thinking outside of my proverbial box. (Right, because I do SO well with change.)

Despite the horrendously out of proportion shoulder on this one, it is my favorite of the evening. Maybe just because it is blue.


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